Prepare to Move
Anytime you get ready to move there is generally some preparation you must do. Whether it is mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually you must prepare to move. The same must happen when you decide to move your path forward toward your dreams, goals, and purpose in life. In this context I am referring to preparation not planning. If you are like me, for the longest I thought planning and preparation were interchangeable. However, as I began the journey of walking in my purpose with the confidence that I am enough I began to truly understand the difference between the two. Planning leads to awareness, knowing what you need to do. Whereas, preparation leads to readiness, it gets you ready to do the work. The key to being prepared is to consider the options. It does more than prepare you for what to expect, it puts you in a position to handle what you didn’t see coming.
Let’s look at jumpstarting your pathway (dreams and goals) forward. When you begin to identify and visualize those dreams and goals you had already began some preparation work. When you found something that gave you joy, and fulfillment and passion that you wanted to pursue, you looked up as much information as you could about it. You googled the requirements, skills, training needed, etc. This is called (pre)work. When I decided to write my first book, I had to do some (pre)work. This move forward was big, I was embarking on an industry that I had no clue about. It was scary, uneasy, confusing and stressful. I had to research, watch YouTube videos, attend trainings, talk to established authors, editors, and coaches. I had to make it a priority and intentionally take the time to work on my new craft. The more preparation I put into the process the more confident I became. Preparation also allows you to learn and grow.
Reflect on your dreams and goals that you have identified. Jot down all the (pre)work you’ve already done. What did you notice about the amount of preparation and work you have done?