I AM Enough
Words are powerful, especially the words that we say to ourselves (self-talk). Self-talk happens during those quiet times when you are faced with a challenge or major decision. Words can attack our confidence, our self-esteem, our decision-making, and our attitude.
Many grew up learning the rhyme “sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but names will never hurt me.” I understand why our parents and grandparents taught us this growing up. But as an adult, I have come to understand that this is far from the truth. Words are powerful, especially the words that we say to ourselves (self-talk). Self-talk happens during those quiet times when you are faced with a challenge or major decision. Words can attack our confidence, our self-esteem, our decision-making, and our attitude. Therefore, we need to make sure the words (what I refer to as self-narrative) are positive, and it can begin by saying to yourself I AM Enough. Now, if you noticed, I said, “I AM Enough,” not “I’m Enough” The reason for that is when you emphasize “I AM,” you take ownership in what you are saying. It allows you to begin to internalize and visualize what you are saying to yourself.
I was always a people pleaser growing up, especially with those that I love and admire. I spent my whole life trying to get the approval of others (in the form of I’m proud of you). In everything I encountered in my personal life, career, and education at the end of the day that is what I was seeking. This was unhealthy because there were times when I would second guess myself. I would feel like I was not qualified, which ate at my confidence. When I looked in the mirror, something was missing. One day I attended a conference, and they had an opening speaker come and talk about why we chose education as a career. As I reflected on the question, I began to think about the passion and joy I felt during my first five years of teaching. That’s when I knew I had to change the narrative. Life had beaten me up and pulled me in every direction, affecting my confidence and self-esteem. One morning I was getting ready for work, and I began saying to myself I AM Enough. I AM Qualified. I CAN DO This. When I first started, I will be honest, nothing happened, so I thought, but I kept doing it. What I didn’t realize was that I had began to internalize it. Every day I would say I AM Enough. Before going into a meeting or speaking in front of people, I would say to myself, “I AM Enough”. In other words, I AM Qualified to do this. I deserve to be in this training, position, etc. I Belong here. I CAN do this.
Eventually, I noticed that my confidence level grew when those negative thoughts popped up in my mind. I would counteract those negative thoughts with positive affirmations. A quick exercise, is every day say to yourself I AM Enough! Look in a mirror or use the camera on your cellphone as if you are taking a selfie and say to yourself, “I AM Enough .” If you are alone, say it out loud. The more you hear those powerful words it will begin to transform your thoughts, actions, and decisions.